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Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this website.

The navigation and use of this website at (hereinafter “Site”) entail full acceptance of these general terms and conditions of the Website use. This includes also all the other particular conditions and legal notices published in specific pages and sections of the Site (hereinafter, in general, “General Conditions”) for the use of single services and/or contents and/or materials of any kind (hereinafter “Contents”). The user declares to have read and accepted these General Conditions of Use and/or any other note, legal notice, information or disclaimer posted anywhere on the Site.

The obligations and guarantees specified below are provided for both by the user and by any third party connected to him and authorized by him to use the Site.

The definition of “Site” also includes the online presence of Neperia Group Srl (hereinafter “Neperia Group”) on any present and/or future social network where Neperia Group manages any type of activity and/or relationship with online users. Consequently, the user acknowledges and undertakes – within the limits of applicability – to comply with these General Conditions (in addition to the Guidelines and Regulations set by the owner of the social network from time to time concerned) even when the navigation takes place on other sites and/or on online social networks linked to Neperia Group. Consequently, the user acknowledges and undertakes – within the limits of applicability – to comply with these General Conditions (in addition to the Guidelines and Regulations set by the owner of the social network from time to time concerned) even when the navigation takes place on other sites and/or on online social networks linked to Neperia Group.



The General Conditions rule the terms of the Contents and Site use, owned by Neperia Group.

The Site use and the possibility to access its contents and services are subject to the General Conditions acceptance. If you do not intend to accept these terms and conditions, please do not use the Site. The use and/or navigation within the Site are to be considered as implicit acceptance of these General Conditions.

Accessing to certain Contents of the Site may entail the user’s acceptance of additional terms and conditions of use which, depending on the case, may replace, complete and/or modify the General Conditions.



The ownership of the Site is of:

Neperia Group – Srl
Viale Egeo, 151 – 00144 – Rome (RM)
Fiscal code and VAT number IT11676741009

To contact quickly and communicate directly and effectively with Neperia Group, please use the following details, including the e-mail address, as follows:

Phone number +39 0635297614
E-mail PEC



The information and the Contents available on this Website can be used free of charge, unless otherwise specified. The information and the Contents available on this Site are merely informative and do not constitute a contract proposal or a public offer pursuant to art. 1336 of the Civil Code, nor can they be considered binding for any negotiation or business relationship.

To the extent allowed by applicable law, and unless otherwise specified on the basis of generally recognized commercial practices, users acknowledge that the use of the Site takes place at their own risk. The Site is provided “as it is” and “as available”. NEPERIA GROUP offers no specific guarantee regarding the results expected, hoped for or obtained with the use of this Website.

Within the limits provided for by article 1229 of the Civil Code, users declare and guarantee to indemnify and hold harmless NEPERIA GROUP, its representatives, employees, participants, associates and partners from any obligation to pay compensation, including legal fees, which they may be charged for in relation to the use of the Site. If the applicable law does not exempt from liability, the liability of NEPERIA GROUP shall in any case be limited to the extent allowed by law.

NEPERIA GROUP refuses any responsibility for any claims by users relating to the impossibility to use the Website and/or its Contents for any reason. NEPERIA GROUP cannot be held non-fulfilling or responsible for damages, claims or losses, direct or indirect to users, due to the lack of and/or malfunction of the electronic equipment of the users themselves or third parties. This includes also Internet Service Providers, phone and/or telecom connections not managed by NEPERIA GROUP directly, or by persons who NEPERIA GROUP might be responsible of, as well as by actions of other users or of other persons accessing the network.

NEPERIA GROUP reserves the right, temporarily or permanently, to disconnect the Contents
(or any part thereof). The user acknowledges that NEPERIA GROUP cannot be held liable to the user or third parties in any way for the suspension or interruption of its Contents save specific, different and additional contract obligation taken on with users.

Any information (textual or graphic) published on the Website coming directly from third parties will not imply any responsibility for NEPERIA GROUP, being these parties directly and only responsible for the information published. For that reason, NEPERIA GROUP takes no responsibility for inaccuracies, graphic errors, or explicit or implicit guarantees on the information provided and on the contents
of third parties posted on the Website.

The user undertakes to use the Site and its Contents in a diligent, correct and lawful way; in particular, he undertakes, as an example but not thorough, to refrain from:

(a) any improper use of the Site which is against law, the General Conditions and all other indications published on this Site, or contrary to morality;

(b) any action compromising the rights and interests of NEPERIA GROUP and/or its associated companies, including intellectual or industrial property rights, or damaging or otherwise preventing the normal use of the Site, computer media or documents, files and any type of contents stored in it;

(c) reproducing, copying, changing, distributing, making available or disclosing any material and/or information contained in the Site in any other form to other sites or to the public, unless expressly authorized by NEPERIA GROUP

The user agrees that any information or material provided to NEPERIA GROUP by e-mail or other means of communication will not be considered confidential. By providing such information or materials to NEPERIA GROUP, the user assigns and transfers to the NEPERIA GROUP all the intellectual property rights related to such information and materials, completely and freely (except in the case of previous copyright and the implementation of the rules on know-how protection, as per Legislative Decree 30/2005, and of those generally regarding the industrial and corporate secrecy protection). Within these provided limits, NEPERIA GROUP will be free to use, reproduce, transmit, distribute, modify, assign and license such information and materials. Except for the above limits, NEPERIA GROUP will be free to use all the ideas, concepts, know-how or technical knowledge contained in such information and materials, for any purpose, including development,
production and marketing of products using such information and materials.

NEPERIA GROUP refuses any responsibility also for information (textual or graphic), documents or materials entered by users on the Site when using particular Contents.

The user undertakes not to use the Website Contents or any other service or operation to:

  • upload, publish, post or otherwise transmit or disseminate contents that could be illicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory and/or slanderous, vulgar, obscene, detrimental to the privacy of others, racists, classists or otherwise reprehensible;
  • create headings or otherwise manipulate distinctive signs or indications in order to counterfeit the origin of a content transmitted or disseminated through any type of functionality available on the Site;
  • discontinue normal communications, or in any case, act in such a way as to affect the ability of other users to use the Website;
  • interfere or discontinue the Contents and/or servers connected to the Contents;
  • infringe, purposely or not, any applicable law or regulation.



he Site may offer connections (hereinafter “links”) to other websites or other Internet resources. The user acknowledges and recognizes that NEPERIA GROUP cannot be held responsible in any way for the operation of such sites or external resources.



The Site and all its contents are exclusive and reserved property of NEPERIA GROUP, and/or of its assignors or assignees, and/or of third parties where indicated and are protected by current national and international regulations regarding protection of Intellectual and/or Industrial Property rights. This includes, by way of example and not exhaustive, texts, photographs, animations, audio and video files regardless of format, trademarks reproductions, logos, trade names of products and/or services, etc.; the technical solutions adopted, the graphic realizations, the structure and any another part, already realized or to be realized. With the term “Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights” relating to the Site, NEPERIA GROUP intends to refer to the rights recognized and protected by current national and international regulations. This includes, by way of non-exhaustive example, (in relation to all the States of the world and without any term) any right deriving from patents (including the right to deposit the related application), present or future copyright, trademarks and/or service marks (both registered and used in by way of NEPERIA GROUP). Brands, trade names, companies, know-how, domain names, databases and all related applications are included as well. With the term “Materials” NEPERIA GROUP refers to all the Contents of the Site and to other contents represented – by way of example and not exhaustive – by texts, images, graphic realizations, files, software of any kind. Audio, video, virtual animations, multimedia and/or hypertext elements are included too, regardless of the format, the media containing them, their extension (as an example and not exhaustive: mp3, wav, jpg, mpeg, gif, doc, etc.), the size, the versions in use and the techniques used for their distribution and/or transmission.

The Materials published on the Site may be used under the following conditions:

  • 1) their use must be preceded by a written request for authorization to be forwarded to NEPERIA GROUP, which will not unreasonably deny this use, depending on the case;
  • 2) the Materials must remain in their original format and, if reproduced, must always bear the proprietaryindications of NEPERIA GROUP and/or third parties or relating to copyright or authors;
  • 3) their use, for any reason and purpose, must not be for profit;
  • 4) it must be quoted the source, the author and/or the owner of the rights on the Materials and the web address
    they were taken from;
  • 5) any use of Materials represented by legal texts (eg.: information, contractual conditions, etc.) and published online, is prohibited.

Any violation will be prosecuted by law.

The Materials published on the Site have been carefully examined and analysed, and have been elaborated with the utmost care. Anyhow, errors, inaccuracies and omissions are possible. With reference to the materials freely available on the Site,NEPERIA GROUP cannot be held responsible for errors and omissions or for any reliance that the user might make about the Materials.

Unless otherwise specified, the information contained in the Materials is for informational and updating purposes only and is not exhaustive, nor can it be considered as the expression of an opinion or an indication or assumption to make a decision. NEPERIA GROUP cannot be held responsible for any action or omission made by users following their use of the information contained in the Materials without having previously requested a specific in-depth analysis or opinion to NEPERIA GROUP.

The user strictly commits to comply with the conditions of use of the Contents and Materials available on the Site and to respect all the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights relating thereto. He will be personally responsible for any illicit or harmful actions, and will release NEPERIA GROUP from any liability in the case that the breach of national and/or international laws protecting Intellectual and/or Industrial Property – here fully referred to and applicable for anything not expressly provided for – infringes upon the rights of third parties in general.

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