Business needs, legal requirements, and technological advancements can make it necessary to modify or even replace your company’s software. In such cases, you will want to know exactly what this change is going to mean in terms of time and money.
Neperia’s impact analysis examines your entire software landscape and gives you a clear view of the time, effort and risk involved in making a software change.
Using the SEA Manager & KPS suites to analyse the application code quickly and thoroughly, our impact analyses provide our customers with vital support when making strategic business decisions.
Neperia Group exploits the experience of its team, which specialises in Impact Analysis projects and follows tried-and-tested processes using SEA Manager & KPS:
Analizziamo le tue applicazioni, definiamo le regole da applicare, i deliverable e le usability di KPS
Configuriamo le regole in SEA Manager, realizziamo POCs e condividiamo con te il piano di lavoro
SEA Manager applica le regole automatiche per produrre la documentazione secondo deliverable condivisi, per poi procedere con l’esecuzione degli unit test
Eseguiamo il collaudo con utente e validiamo il rilascio. Pronti per il go live!